Throwaway account . I’m 17 and we live in a country that violence against women especially at house is so normal and common . My mom although she’s a very strong woman mentally , but even she didn’t defend herself once when my dad beat her . Today , i was at home with my mom and my dad and our dog who just took a shower suddenly ran to the yard where was so fucking dirty and full of mud . My dad opened the door earlier . So i ran after her and picked her up and i was nagging that why did you open the door and stuff . Then he suddenly pushed me so fucking hard that my back still hurts as i was carrying our dog and started beating me . But i started shouting so loud that the whole apartment could hear it and started fighting back . He’s a fat motherfucker but i’ve been training martial arts for my whole fucking life and i could at least defend myself . Then i went to my mom who was in the kitchen and told her what happened . Then they started fighting and he shouted at her “DID YOU EVEN SEE THAT HAPPEN? I DIDN’T DO THAT” . That’s where i lost my shit again . My mom held me back but i was just shouting so loud and cursing him to death . Then my mom wanted to slap me but i stopped her too . Now everyone’s blaming me for this . Every fucking one . Even my sister . I’m just full of anger and i wanna kill that motherfucker so bad

  1. I am so proud of you, as an elder sister, I am saying that you did nothing wrong.

    I will ask if you have any place/supportive relative elsewhere to stay? Because your family is not taking this seriously, he can try this shit again.

  2. I’m so sorry this is your life. In countries where women are supposed to be submissive the blame gets out in them for not submitting to the abusive thinking and abuse.

    I hope that you’re able to get out at some point.

  3. I’m proud of you op. Hopefully he leaves you alone now and you can plan a way to get the hell out of the house.

  4. You have shocked them all by not taking the abuse. You are currently rocking the boat and letting in water as the saying goes and they are bailing as fast as they can and blaming you for rocking the boat.

    This will pass, he will likely pretend it never happened.

    Take your anger and use it for something productive. Remember your training and get a mental handle on yourself so when you need that anger it is available to you.

    Parents are not always the people we wished they were, your mother has been trained to keep the peace at all costs. You are a different generation and have I hope more opportunities but given your potential country just be aware of the dangers when there is violence towards women. Stay safe.

  5. Don’t Kill Him, you don’t need a Murder Charge ! Proud of You for Standing Up to that Fat Motherfucker and Kicking his Ass !

  6. I think you just put everyone on notice that you will not allow anyone to beat you without you defending yourself. Good for you. Now work on figuring out how to escape. Maybe go to college abroad and don’t look back.

  7. If this happens again, don’t be afraid to beat his ass up. Believe me, he won’t tell anyone because he will be too ashamed to admit a woman gave him a beating. In fact, after giving him a much deserved beatdown, dare him to tell anyone making it clear that people gonna love talking behind his back of how he is such an excuse of a man. Use his shitty coward mentality against him. Just don’t kill him, you don’t need a criminal record.

  8. I’m so proud of you. You are not wrong. Your family is angry at you for rocking the boat. You are so brave. If there’s a way for you to become independent through school or a charitable organization, please don’t be afraid to try.

  9. This is not acceptable in western nations. Just because something’s legal, doesn’t make it right. Start planning your escape. I would imagine that’s incredibly difficult where you are, but you seem strong willed enough to make it happen. I’ll say a prayer for you OP

  10. Next time, make sure to leave him with some lasting damage. Violence begets violence, and you sound like you can handle yourself. He needs to be the one that live in fear.

    You did good!

  11. You should start planning a way to leave,that’s going to be hard if you can’t even leave the house []( doesn’t sound like they would “allow” you to get a job,if you got one they would probably take your money too.this is a hard situation to get out of,your basically trapped in an abusive home.

  12. I doubt that your pop will try that again, as he wasn’t expecting any resistance at all. Going forward, absolutely refuse to listen to anyone saying that you’re wrong in defending yourself, regardless of cultural norms in you country. And, should your pop attempt to physically attack you again, do your best to knock him down and out.

    I wish you well.

  13. I like this. They tend to go for people that they think will not fight back. Although they are all angry with you, he will probably be more careful next time before laying his hands on you.

    Now, here’s the dilemma, you live in his house and your mom might not be able to prevent him from kicking you out if he wants to and he knows it…so…just, be careful mehn. I hope it gets better.

  14. Yeeaaahhh. If you live in a society where women are supposed to take violence from men you’re going to have deep resentment and anger like you do now. Is it possible to apply to a job or country with more opportunities for women?

  15. Continue defending yourself!
    It is the only way! Don’t let anyone ever hit you again!

    My mum hit me until I held her hand and was about to hit her back, but I restrained myself. I can still remember the fear in her eyes, but she never tried it again! She even started to show me more respect.

    Do not hit them! You will regret it. That’s until them hitting you becomes unbearable.

    People in developed countries do not understand that there are NO support systems in countries like ours. This is normal behavior here. But it has to change! And it changes by you protecting yourself and even others!

    Let them talk shit all they want, do not let them beat you! Keep strong. ❤️

  16. Is this the first time he does this? Or is there previous history of abuse of any kind? Why start now. And his lying about it? Also a usual thing or a new thing? Either way, it would repeat. I’d say look for safety in women’s orgs and contact them asap and have an escape plan or try get armed. He may get help next time so be prepared to defend yourself even more, like get help yourself dont be alone with him or his friends and have the police number ready or emergency social services or neighbours etc, even if your country is backwards, it is still assault and police shd stop it if they are not entirely corrupt. Well done for making noise and alerting others too. Edit: He may lie to the police too so perhaps that’s not safe. Women’s groups wd be best and soon.

  17. There is a lot of evil still in the world, and I’m sorry to hear it. Your dad is at fault for beating you and your mom. It is good to fight back. I recommend supporting yourself somehow and moving into your own place, or if you get married, make sure it is to a safe man

  18. Good for you. You did nothing wrong and everything right.

    Too many people don’t have the strength you do to fight back against abusers. I am so sorry you are living in these circumstances, but you need to persevere and leave as soon as you can.

    Your father is a piece of shit and your family are too scared to support you, so they blame you. I’m not saying your mom and sister are bad people, but they are being weak right now. You need to stay strong.

    As someone who grew up in a similar environment, it gets better. A lot fucking better. Get out and go and live your life as soon as you can. It’ll be hard, but this is temporary. Once you leave, you’ll never have to see this cancerous abuser ever again unless YOU want to see him.

  19. Typical denial of abused family members – their first instinct/reaction is to cover up, cover up. Lying is the basis of their relationship with the abuser, they have been covering up for him all their lives, and your disruption of that pattern makes them reactive. I’m so sorry. You need to get out as soon as soon as possible.

  20. You did the right thing. But try to control your anger. I do not mean to restrain yourself physically when necessary, absolutely you must defend yourself. But find ways to calm your mind, so that you can think clearly and logically without emotion overwhelming your good senses.

    I read many comments and understand the difficulties you have finding support or leaving right now. For this reason, you must become your own hero, and you will do this through self mastery of the mind.

    You study martial arts – now study mental arts. Begin to read “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius, and read it every day. It will give you the insight of men stronger than your father, wiser than the last 20 books you’ve read, and more useful than a toolbox or weapon.

    You have a good mind and good heart. Protect them with deep knowledge of the self that cannot be shaken or taken. Feed your mind endlessly with wisdom – you will be able to save yourself and those around you in this way.

  21. I am sorry you are going through this.
    First of all, i’m sure you are saying it out of anger, but of course don’t kill him, he is still your dad.
    Second of all, proud of you for defending yourself. Hopefully he knows now that he can’t treat you like this.
    I would advise to find somewhere safe to stay though. Hopefully a relative or a friend can let you stay with them.

    Keep safe, and best of luck

  22. I have no fucking clue the context or the more intimate details of your familial situation, but I’d say beat that fuckers ass wide open. Either take the abuse and do nothing while it continues or show him in a way he understands that you’re not going to stand for his vile shit ever again. Idk if this will work at all and he may try to kill you in retaliation but fuck me if people who beat their wives and kids shouldn’t see immediate physical consequence. Whoop ‘im sistah 💪🏻

  23. I am happy you stood up for yourself. I am so happy you have been training in martial arts. I always wanted to and never did. I love to watch it though.

    I wish I knew what country you were in because I would do some research to see if there was any help available or jobs that could get you out. You could be in the middle east and I am thinking cruise ships, or be in another country and I suggest military which could be much worse than what you have now. I hope you can learn a trade or attend college so you can become financially independent. Good luck to you. Update if you can.

  24. Wow!! Super proud of you. Calm down and let everyone know that your anger is simmering just beneath the surface. Remember deep waters run calm. Well done in defending yourself and your mom

  25. Next time just beat him into a bloody pulp. Human garbage doesn’t deserve humane treatment. I’m so sorry you have parents like that.

  26. You are NOT in the wrong. As soon as you get the chance, move out. And if a man ever tries to hit you – find a way away from him. This is why it’s so so important for women to have their own source of income instead of being completely reliant on men. Good luck and I wish you all the best.

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