how can you trust a SO with cheating history?

  1. By weighing up all the information you have; the circumstances, how long ago it was, how you found out/how they told you, what they seem like now, how trustworthy they are with other things.

  2. either you are that stupid, or you are that forgiving and with a great heart, or you don’t trust.

  3. If you are wondering whether or not you can trust a SO with a cheating history, there is no easy answer. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and the situation. If your SO has been honest about their past and is working hard to overcome any trust issues, then it may be possible to trust them again. However, if they have not been honest or have shown signs that they are not ready to change, then it may be difficult to rebuild trust.

  4. I had a partner cheat on me and I realised no matter how much he apologised or asked to “make it work” my paranoid would’ve made the relationship not even worth it.

    Also if you take them back once, they’ll do it again because they know they can get away with it.

  5. If they cheated on you, you probably can’t trust again, and the work required to build that trust won’t be possible for everyone

    If they cheated before you and did the work, alone, to be better, then you have to give them a chance

    When it comes to people cheating, anyone is capable. History of it or not. It comes down to who they have been the whole time they’re with you

  6. I don’t think it’s as black or white as some people but no one can answer that question for you in your situation.

    People fight way too hard for garbage relationships, and if you’re asking this question here you probably already know the answer.

  7. As in, a history of cheating on me? I absolutely wouldn’t trust them.

    A history that includes cheating prior to me? I would have to factor in a lot of different elements.

  8. Baby steps.

    “Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” ― Gandhi

  9. I wouldn’t. How can I trust someone who wouldn’t have told me if they hadn’t been caught? I trust they’ll get smarter at hiding it, not actually stop

  10. If they didn’t cheat on me, i think I’d kinda weigh in all the info I have and see if there are any red flags.
    If they did cheat on me, then it’d be more complicated because of the hurt and trust issues

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