What is something people your age do/say that annoy you?

  1. It seems like everyone puts exclamation points at the end of everything online! Especially Facebook! I’m 30 maybe it’s just a random coincidence.

  2. Anytime someone uses the terms “those are the facts” and “science says” in regards to social statistics. The gaps in data are horrendous and either hugely misrepresented or arbitrarily substantiated. You can use them to help identify certain problem areas, but they do not give a full picture.

  3. Anytime someone says I’m the nicest and sweetest, feel a real soul connection but only as friends.

  4. “I’m not in my twenties anymore” as an excuse to not do something fun with me that we used to do together.

  5. I’m relatively old, so I’ve been hearing the “Kids these days [whatever negative]. Back in my day we [whatever]” from my peers for a few years now.

  6. -When they write like: “That’s…. not what”, “This… is what I”.

    -Dog people, I can’t, lately they have gotten more annoying than cat people.

  7. I’m 26 and people my age like to talk about how edgy and wild they are and it’s really annoying….

    Like no we’re all just upper middle class suburban white kids who’s lives are very boring. Calm down.

  8. „So you got kids on the way?“

    I‘m depressingly single and don’t want kids so hard I had a vasectomy just so there‘s (almost) no chance for accidents. So nah

  9. Gatekeepers and rude people. Or people who try to pressure me into keeping up with the joneses

  10. I’m 28 and I’m already tired of the young people slang like calling people “Chad”, calling people Kings and queens, saying “Take this W” or “L”. Saying words like “Based”, “Slaps” and “Lit”

    Guess I’m getting old.

  11. Don’t worry (when they don’t know wtf are you passing through or they haven’t been into a situation like yours) 🙁

  12. A lot of the language trends that are online.

    Online trends in general in my life anyway before online trends were a thing everyone did,
    I felt people were more themselves or at least had more originality to them. It’s really off putting to me when all someone does is quote stuff from the internet
    I know influence comes from everywhere but when it’s all from Instagram, conversations get really fucking boring.

    When I was growing up (early 2000’s), I always feel people were influenced from great cultural movies, books, from other people so much that in every conversation you’ll find so many interesting stories.

    Now, there are 4 devices in 4 rooms in a house and 4 people not communicating but all on the same social media. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.
    I really try make a point to not have social media when possible, only at my unsocial hours like now (4:18am) do I go to Reddit and Instagram myself.

  13. I get annoyed when people who use cuss words say “that’s offensive”. Like calling someone a bitch ain’t?

  14. I’m a boomer so the list is way too long. Probably would be saying they miss the good ole days.

  15. Millennial, late 20s/early 30s. Something that annoys me is people my age and younger have the rising intonation-style of speaking. It sounds like they are almost out of breath when speaking, especially women.

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