I’m currently taking care of my saint of a great aunt in her last days. Last time I saw her was at my wedding- all smiles and hugs. That was when we thought she defeated cancer. The cancer came back. I’ve hardly left her side. She helped raise me and my sister, among every other child in our family. Not a single person has ever said anything bad about her and nor has she about anything else. Truly a saint and one of the kindest souls I’ve ever known. Fuck cancer.

I wish I could have come home from school to tell her how much I love her and how important she is to my story. So many of my childhood memories are of her. I think about her every time I see a parent tickle their kid-every time. She used to tickle me until I peed my pants. I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun and laughs as I did with her. She’s so doped up because of the pain that she couldn’t understand me if I told her that. I really regret not saying it.

Knowing this feeling isn’t mine alone would help a lot. Any one?

  1. I lost my nana to cancer. She raised me and was the kindest soul and always made me feel so loved. I just wish I would have thanked her more, and hugged her more. And just made sure she knows how loved she was too. Even if you don’t think she can understand you, still say whatever you need. Sending you lots of love.

  2. You’re not alone. I’d give my left kidney to have my Grandmother back. Lung Cancer took her before I had a chance to say goodbye.

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