I’m 18m and it sucks not having your first kiss or even first girlfriend. Seeing other people have those experiences just sucks. I’m graduating in a few months and that’s it. Summer romance and young love is no longer possible. I’m going to be too busy to date I have other things to focus on now and it hurts because dating is way better and easier when you are stress free with no job and all you have is each other with no responsibilities. I will never be able to have that and I’ll probably be alone for the rest of my life. How do I cope with this?

  1. Many people don’t start dating until their college years when they’re figuring out who they are and what they want. You have plenty of time.

  2. it’ll come unexpected. there’s no time frame to it. i didn’t even have my first relationship until i was 19/20 and i thought i’d be alone forever

  3. you find other things to give you purpose. it’s wild that at 18, you’re swearing off something like dating. you have so much life to live. dating success will come, just be easy on yourself. we all learn and grow at different speeds.

  4. Do you feel the need to kiss and have a girlfriend because of your friends only or do you actually want to?

  5. Maybe this will sound too simple, but honestly try not to worry about it. Dating before 20 is mostly a waste of time anyway. I barely even remember my ‘relationships’ before that age. Your twenties are a great time to date and learn about yourself. Relationships, I wouldn’t even bother until you date and have some fun and figure out who you are/what you want. You have sooooo much time. I know how it feels to be your age though and feel like all these big important things in your life should be on track. But they don’t. Have fun. I’m 40 and only just engaged and having my first baby. You’re not on anyone else’s schedule. Please just enjoy, life is short. So cliche, but so true. Make friends and live your life. People will love you and you will love them. They will come and go. There’s time.

  6. Honestly I think if you don’t have time for dating something then you should maybe rethink your future a bit. You’re whole life should ideally not revolve around work and trying to have a life. You should have a live and build your job around that.

  7. You are positioning yourself to be undateable. Other folks experienced shit because they have the capacity to make human connections. Being bitter ain’t helping your cause.

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