(i am 16 & a junior)

in my class we had to do an activity where we dance with eachother. during the parts where we had to touch eachother (we had to link arms and swing around) my partner would do the dance, but without touching me.
i felt a bit worried that he thought i was gross or something like that. but i wasn’t sweaty or smelly or anything, and i doubt that he dislikes me because we have exchanged a few words a couple times and he was very friendly.

obviously you guys can’t know what is going on in his head, but just wondering if there is any likely explanation ? do teen guys often avoid contact with girls ? i don’t talk with guys much so i wouldn’t know.
thanks 🙂

  1. It means he’s uncomfortable touching you- but that could mean any number of things. That could mean some kind of attraction. That leads to “hover hand” where a guy will be uncomfortable touching a model there posing with. It could just mean the dude is not touchy. I hate people being up in my personal space.

    So, it means something but that could mean any number of said things. You’re going to have to go off context clues to figure which of said things that is.

  2. Tell him that it is ok to touch while dancing. He didn’t have your consent to touch so he didnt. He is just being respectful.

  3. Doesn’t want to pick up charges in todays world. Consent and evidence is everything!

  4. Some people don’t like to be touched by anyone, period. Perhaps he doesn’t like it, or is just being respectful because YOU might not want him to touch you.
    Maybe he’s self conscious and thinks you think he’s gross and he’s trying not to offend.
    I would not assume it’s anything about you unless you observe him acting differently with everyone but you.

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