Are you datable? And why do you think you are?

  1. I would say no, but my partner thought otherwise.

    I think that because I have low self worth and depression. I just don’t see how anyone could love me.

  2. Nah. It’s all good though, I view at as me unintentionally doing everyone else a favour so there’s less competition out there.

  3. Depends, I have 3 kids and daddy issues. If your mental health matches mine then baby we are good to go 😂👌🏻

  4. Not at the moment. I know I’m deserving of a loving relationship, but I have too much baggage from the past that I need to heal first. It wouldn’t be fair to the other person to have to deal with it

  5. sometimes. my ex has been desperate to get me back so I must have something going for me 👁️👄👁️

  6. Not really. I have quite a list of issues and I’m never pursued romantically. But most importantly, I’m not over my ex lol.

  7. I feel that I am because I have quite a bit to offer. I also got quite a few dates from Bumble when I was on that, so I imagine I’ll be able to when I remake my profile.

  8. I assume so. I was online dating for a while and get asked for dates. All 5 of the guys I met I dated for more than one occasion. One led to a relationship but didn’t last. Maybe I’m meant for just getting to know and not a serious relationship 🤷‍♀️

  9. Yeah. I’ve been dating my parter for the better part of a decade, so… I’d say that proves I’m datable.

  10. Too much trauma to deal with atm. Don’t want to burden someone with that plus I’m trying to unlearn toxic behaviours in therapy.

    Got 16 weeks of intense therapy coming up so hoping that’ll put me in a healthier place to one day re-enter the dating pool

  11. I’d like to think so because I know guys have been interested and I’ve gone out briefly with some guys who liked me. Unfortunately I seem to have poor luck with dating/choose the wrong guys.

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