I don’t know what to do, I’ve recently started working again and now I feel like I need a girlfriend or atleast a girl in my life, back when I played games all day and wasted my life away I didn’t care but all of a sudden now I do. I don’t know how to go about finding a girl, I talk to girls on dating apps but never arrange any irl meetups or anything, I don’t drive and I think that makes me less interesting, like is it weird to invite a girl on a date but not also offer to pick her up in a vehicle? Also I’m just confused about meeting people irl, I hear a lot about social events but like how are you guys finding these? I can’t find any events I actually care about and I’m too nervous to go to bars alone. I’m just lost and need help on how to put myself out there.

  1. Been there, 2 years after my break up and getting a steady decent job and just had a few months working out i felt i NEEDED a girl to make it all perfect. But no (im also 19 )

    That’s just greed.
    A relationship is a responsibility.
    Not a trophy. It’s something you need to look out and maintain.
    Since you where a shut in (waited life and played games) it’s understandable that once you had a small grasp of life you want all these things , goals, life chapters so quickly. But slow it down.

    You right about a car
    Girls do find that as a plus but those are girls who are looking to date.
    What you should be focused is making connections with girls strictly FRIENDLY connection.

    You don’t want to make a friend (who is a girl) and hit them with that “i think i like you” text Wich makes them ghost you.

    A good girl- friend (not girlfriend) will put up with your flaws and accept you and be a stepping stool to your development.

    Focus on yourself. Make your own peace. Get that money, save up, get a USED car (don’t buy new / dealership at your age. Girls don’t care if it’s used. As long you keep it clean and we’ll maintained) explore different places. Coffee shops. Restaurant. Etc etc. Develop your character.

    By doing this not only will you be more happy but girls will see your independence. A girl is ment to be the cherry on top. NOT the base of the cake
    To know if she is the one remember this.
    A girl who love you more is willing to go to the moon and back for you. But a girl who doesn’t will love you only on her own terms.

  2. All I see is negativity from the ladder but there is no need to help people like op. OP it’s alright I see many posts like yours everyday which isn’t bad because we all go through this. It is possible to arrange a date or have a woman in your life when you can’t drive. But I must ask is there a reason why you can’t drive? Besides that if your in college I recommend walking around your campus more often and then you can meet people that way. Maybe because your out of high school maybe try going to football games where you can encounter other alumni from your hs. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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