My ex and I had a 4.5 year relationship, and they started seeing someone new 3.5-4 months later, would you consider it a rebound?

  1. Who broke it off

    Edit: Since someone wants to downvote, if you broke it off, yes it’s a rebound if it’s that soon. If he/she broke it off, no it’s not rebound. He/She just decided to move on without you by either dumping you and looking to date or had something going on before your dump

  2. Honestly. Who cares, just gotta focus on yourself.
    Try to move on. Gotta stop thinking about your ex.

  3. Rebounding is probably the best thing (IMO) to try and move on from an ex. Distractions are good. Like i said (imo). But everyone is different.

  4. Yes it’s a rebound, and it’s really none of your business. I know it hurts, but use that pain to better yourself. Make her regret not having you one day.

  5. My ex took about 1 month. After pointing out how wrong she felt her friend was about doing that only the year previous. It’s funny how context works

  6. It’s not based on time, but rather how you/they feel.

    Like it could be a week later and not be a rebound.

  7. Who broke up with whom?

    That’s the main question.

    If your ex broke up with you, then the relationship likely ended long before the actual breakup for them.

    Rebounds generally happen because the person didn’t want to break up and they are still in the mindset that they need to be in a relationship to be happy, and the “rebound” person is just the person they can get with to fill that void from their ex SO.

    If someone checks out of a relationship long before the actual break happens that whole rebound thing doesn’t generally happen. They’ve had plenty of time to get over the relationship and are ready to go on to the next.

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