I like touching my girlfriend’s boobs, sometimes not even sexually, just the feeling of wanting to touch soft boobs. I have no idea why honeatly it just makes me feel happy. But when I ask my girlfriend to touch them she only allows it sometimes, and it’s “not the right time”, what to do?

  1. Suppose she enjoyed pinching your testicle. Would you just let her do that as often as she pleases?

  2. You can purchase boobs online.. like the fake type which you can touch when ever you want..

  3. It’s normal to like boobs.

    Only touch the boobs when it’s the right time.

    Cuddling is typically an okay time. Don’t over do it

  4. I feel like this should be in r/askwomen
    Why are you asking men what to do regarding a woman’s decision?

  5. “What to do?” Nothing, the real question is what we’re you looking to hear. She can say no for any reason, and if you proceed you just sexually assaulted her.

    There isn’t some workaround or bypass to consent lol. If she says no respect it, and don’t ask again.

  6. Is she more likely to reject you while she’s on her period or just before that? Because as a woman, can confirm that your boobs are so sore at that time that even a slight brush against your nipples can be agonisingly painful. Otherwise, I’m not sure — maybe she’s just not that into it?

  7. Touching my breasts doesn’t feel good every day. They swell and get sensitive especially around my period. On days when I’m more active, they can get sore as well. This is totally normal for all women because breasts are a body part which can get sore and tired and not feel good same as every other body part – they’re just a little bit more embarrassing to talk about.

    In other words, like a normal human being, your GF has reasons why she makes decisions about her body, and when you respect that decision that’s what you’re meant to be acknowledging.

  8. Same with my girlfriend lol, they get overly stimulated or something and sometimes they just plain aren’t in the mood

  9. Most guys who are into girls enjoy touching their boobs. But if you can’t maintain self control, respect her feelings, then you’re going to cross a line and you’ll have zero boobs to touch. The fact that you ask this question means that you’re dangerously close to this line already. At best she’ll get tired of your disrespect and leave, at worst your actions will be sexual assault. Enjoying your partner’s body HAS to be mutual, and never let your petty desires get in the way of that.

  10. Have you tried giving her a back massage in exchange? I see you comment that groping her is a stress relief for you, (which as a woman makes my eyes roll extremely hard) but maybe offer a stress relief for HER in exchange for yours? Also, I don’t want to be touched all the time either. My bf like you is constantly grabbing at my tits. Because it happens all the time, it makes me feel like all I am to him is a walking tit and sex machine. Maybe your gf feels like that too and needs something OTHER than you always wanting her boobs in your hands, or if that’s not something you can do – at least give her something out of it like a back/foot massage. Surely she will get a better experience out of it when there’s a real benefit to her.

    And the soreness thing is 100 percent true as well. Having boobs isn’t great. They can hurt, be in the way, cause back soreness, bras are fucking uncomfortable. If I could just take them off and hand them to my bf I would 😂 “here, just have them”

  11. respect her feelings and only touch them when she agrees to. if you really want yo touch them more, talk to her about it, but ya know, don’t pressure her.

  12. It probably weirds her out that you just want to touch her boobs. I totally get enjoying the feeling of soft skin on the person you love and it not always being sexual but we generally have a certain mindset about our private areas and she probably doesn’t relate you wanting to touch her tits for just the feeling in a comfortable way. I’d say find another spot on her body to touch. I rub my wife’s back right above her pants line in the center and I love how it feels and it’s not anything related to sex so she enjoys it in a relaxing way too. Just find a different spot before you turn her off from you.

  13. The fact that all your responses to answers are killing your karma should really tell you something about your attitude, mate.

  14. You do know that they are attached to her body? Sometimes a person just doesn’t want to be touched.

    Also, I feel like every time my husband just wants to hold them and I let him, he takes that as I’m okay with getting frisky so he tries to make a move? I just say no to avoid that confusion. If I’m not in the mood, I just don’t want my breasts groped on.

  15. Im a fat guy and my gf likes to hold my boobs. ._.
    She doesn’t like it when I touch hers though. Lol

  16. People are giving you the right answer, it’s just not the answer you want. The reality is, if she doesn’t want you touching them, you don’t. That’s kind of the only play here.

  17. What to do? Leave your gf’s tits alone when she doesn’t want you to the touch them.

  18. Ummmm…. What to do? Seems pretty fucking clear to me don’t touch her when she says “I don’t want to be touched right now”.

    Please seriously ask yourself why it was so easy and natural for you to think “it makes me happy” should out weigh her “I’m uncomfortable and don’t want to be touched?”. Like I just can’t even imagine my husband taking to the internet to try to complain to strangers about this/asking for ways to convince me to let him touch me when I don’t want him too…like just think about this please.

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