There’s some people who apparently travel after they graduate from university or college. It’s GO time for me to land a job if I graduate because tuition fees bruised up my bank account.

  1. I worked in college at a few different jobs and I also sold drugs which both options can be pretty lucrative

  2. I’m graduating next spring so I’ll be in this boat soon. For myself I have a small business so I can afford it that way. Also my dad said he’d pay for my traveling after graduating. A lot of people I know have had their parents pay for things like post graduation cars and vacations.

  3. Its a rich person thing. Dont feel bad.

    All my friends that didn’t have parents to help out didn’t do the after college trip. We saved up and went later.

  4. I had a full tuition scholarship and worked part time internships for almost my whole degree. I didn’t travel Europe for months or anything after college, but I was debt free with an okay amount of cash and went on a fun domestic hiking trip with friends

  5. Started working when I was 15 and never stopped.

    Obviously used that money to pay for life expenses and things like books, but also saved money to travel while I was still young enough to not care about things like staying in hostels or eating fast food for every meal to save money.

  6. I would not feel bad if you cannot do it. This is some Hollywood thing which you only do if you have the spare money AND you can be sure to get a job after the gap. Such as you have extremely demanded skills or somebody told you you can come to them. I know a lot of people who did not have any gaps.

  7. Not living in the USA and working my ass off.

    Edit: look into working while you travel. Explain what you’re doing and people will hire you. I worked mostly in B&B’s in exchange for some cash or a free room.

  8. Straight after my High School graduation I enlisted in The US Navy, during my 6 year enlistment I traveled to 35 different nations and stepped foot on every continent except Antarctica. Didn’t cost me a penny.

  9. I’m going to graduate in about 8 days. After that, im working until I get accepted and attend grad school. Im hoping to do a short study aboard thing in the summer, though.

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