How do you deal with not getting over an ex/crush after 1+ year?

  1. It can be difficult to get over an ex or crush after a year or more, but it is possible. Here are some tips that may help: -Talk to a trusted friend or family member about how you’re feeling and why you can’t seem to move on. This will help you to communicate what you’re going through and may give you some clarity. -Identify your reasons for wanting to get over this person. What do they remind you of that you don’t want to think about Why are they no longer a part of your life Keep these reasons in mind when you start to feel yourself slipping back into thoughts of them. -Avoid places, things, and people that remind you of the person. If there’s a certain restaurant they always took you to, avoid it for awhile. If seeing their social media posts makes you sad, mute or unfollow them. It’s okay to take a break from anything that reminds you of them until you’re ready to see it again. -Focus on taking care of yourself. Make sure to schedule in time for activities that make YOU happy. This can be anything from reading, going for walks, listening to music, etc. Do whatever helps

  2. I had to completely remove him from my life. When my ex and I divorced, I had to remove him from my social media, remove all gifts, sentimental photos of him – etc etc. I know this is a nuclear response but our breakup almost destroyed me, and I had to do something drastic to begin again. Took almost two years for me to build myself back up emotionally but it worked. I still have moments of missing him, I think that can be expected when you truly love someone, but they are very few now, and I can actually have a conversation with him to his face and not have withdrawals.

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