In July of 1838, Charles Darwin was 29 years old and recently returned from his “legendary voyage around the globe “. . .

And it was at this time that he was contemplating if he should get married or stay single.

In one of his notebooks (that is available via a quick Google search), Darwin wrote about the pros and cons of getting married.

Here’s a few key points that he made.

– Object to be beloved and played with. Better than a dog anyhow
-Home, & someone to take care of house

– Fatness and idleness
– Anxiety and responsibility
– Less money for books etc.

I’m a bit skeptical about Charles Darwin’s reasoning here. Here are my concerns:

1. Is having a wife really better than having a dog?

2. Is it really worth having a wife to take care of the house when you can just get a maid instead?

What is your opinion on these issues?

Also, for what it’s worth, he ended up marrying his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, after composing his list of pros and cons. So it appears that he did get married, after all!

  1. Yeah, he wrote that after being at sea and not touching a woman for 5 years. Then he married his cousin a year later when on dry land and actually discovered his penis works. I’d take that entry with a grain of salt.

  2. “Courting” and “Dating” was different in Darwin’s time – arguably significantly easier. Considering he didn’t go far or try hard to get with his cousin.

    These days, for some men, it is extremely challenging. It takes a lot of energy and emotional turmoil and the older you get, it becomes exponentially more difficult.

    Some intelligent individuals throughout time and the modern day, choose to withdrawn from this aspect of life – these men often like logic and rational thought – where as “love” and relationships aren’t that at all. So why waste your limited time on earth pursuing it, when you could use that energy to achieve happiness in other aspects.

    Dogs have evolved the way they have because humans throughout time needed these companions because assumingly humans have been flakey throughout time.

  3. charles is his own man

    i am my own man

    you are your own man

    we each have various different preferences and it would be odd to study what a man chooses to do with his own life

    especially when it comes to love

    and I refuse to listen to anyone who questions if having a wife is better than a dog

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