I’ll comment mine

  1. The “look at me” types. You know, the type who shows up to a funeral with a car so loud that another funeral at another church 3 blocks away can hear it pulling up. Or the types that talk so loud that you don’t know if they’re having a conversation with you or actually yelling at you.

  2. Someone who is inconsiderate of others. Do your thing, just don’t make me deal with your shit.

  3. Toxic people. I already have sassiness I don’t need someone who’s going to weaponize it.

  4. The type of person who says something, anything, and if challenged just immediately hops on Google to reaffirm whatever they said.

    If you did not know anything about it then why in the fuck did you say it in the first place?

  5. Someone who’s an attention seeker, even if they are willing to disrespect you just fot the sake of being the “funny guy”, or even if they victimize to much to get attention

  6. Social media obsessives, SJWs, hard-headed types.

    Also major pet peeve, not following through on one’s word or being fickle/not punctual.

  7. SELFISH people.

    I don’t mean people who can’t/won’t spend on money on friends or give money to the homeless. I’m referring to people who literally only care about themselves.

    EX: you and 5 other people are at a party. YOU don’t want it to end bc you’re having fun but 3 other people want to leave for personal reasons so you make an ass of yourself.

  8. One uppers. Your rich, they’re richer. Your tall, they’re taller. You own a 500k car, they own a 1 million dollar car. Etc

  9. Intolerant, close-minded people.

    It’s not that bad to be around a racist who has self-awareness and a sense of humor, and who will still try to be nice to those he’s racist against, and accept other people who aren’t racist.

    But I can’t deal with intolerant people, who *must* do something about every single injustice and problem that they see, and who have the audacity to attempt to force their own worldview and moral laws onto others as if it was some sort of holy decree. This sort of person suffers from life, they can’t enjoy themselves, they must look for the bad in everything and wallow in it whenever they have the chance. They don’t judge people by their nature or intention, but by the handful of actions which they deem bad, and the overall character of the person is not even considered at all.

    I don’t care what color you are, what ideology you subscribe to, what kinks you’re into, what mental illnesses you have, and so on, but live and let live, enjoy yourself, and only intervene when it’s actually necessary, and don’t be insufferable in case you do so.

  10. Wilfully ignorant. Especially when it comes with strong opinions about the things they’re ignorant of.

  11. People who don’t want to hear wha you have to say they just keep talking and turn the conversation one sided

  12. Busybodies for one; grew up around nosy Christian homeschool families who made everyone’s every move their business. Total hypocrites about everything but especially matters of religion.

    Also fake people like the ones in our corporate. Fake as hell, fake smiles, patronizing tones, dressed like golfers, acting like they know shit about my job when they haven’t done the work in years

  13. because it is really pushed down the throat! on TV in series commercials I find it shocking! that you want to be gay lesbian gender no problem… but asking so much for attention is not normal. why do they suddenly want boys to play with barbie and girls with cars? What bothers you that there are only 2 genders? children are made by husband and wife not by 2 men or 2 women. do you think it’s normal that children of 7 want to grow their? not me ! it’s sickly … even as an adult you can’t change in the end you stay who you are! do you know because of all that bullshit that my godchild did not know whether he is a boy or a girl or between the 2 what do they all tell at school? it’s just getting out of hand and this is my opinion of it my personal opinion and they won’t change it by showing that rainbow flag overs and asking for attention

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