Hi, I’m 16 years old and I’m a Female. I ask this question because I really love masturbating, and since I don’t have a bf and I haven’t had any sexual experience at all I’d like to try new things like a vibrator, but I don’t know if I’m too young to buy one or even if masturbating with a toy this young could bring me problems in the future.

Btw English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry if I wrote something wrong

  1. I wouldn’t recommend it. It makes your sex drive so much lower when you actually do sexual things with another person

  2. There’s no right age or wrong age to start exploring your body. If you want to buy a toy then buy a toy!
    It won’t bring you any problems as long as you don’t use it too much. Maybe once a week or something. If you use it every day or multiple times every day it can make you desensitised

  3. I think it’s ok to use a vibrator if you’ve already started puberty. Also your English is wonderful. That being said, adult stores tend to be 18+ and will check your ID

  4. I think a vibrator is perfectly acceptable to use as you start to learn your body…

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