I’m about to give my first blowjob and I’ don’t know how to ask the guy if he has any dissease or something. I need help pls

UPDATE: I asked the guy and he said he was with someone 2 months ago and clean.

Thank you for everyone!

  1. “ so and so, when is the last time you got tested? I would feel more comfortable having sex if we both went to planned parenthood and got tested.” Even if you have not done anything with anyone this is a good way to approach it.

  2. Ask him when the last time he got tested was, and if it wasn’t recent or if he’s had partners since then, I’d refrain from unprotected acts.

  3. It’s great that you’re trying to practice safe sex, so kudos. I wouldn’t just flat out ask if he has diseases though. Just ask how sexualy active he has been recently, if it’s been a few months then he is probably clean as most diseases would’ve definitely been evident by now. Ultimately, unless you demand to see recent tests to ensure he is free from any sex related problems, then you can never be completely safe. Always practice safe sex with a condom regardless of what he says, at the very least until you are absolutely sure you both are completely committed to eachover and thus not sexualy active with anyone else.

  4. Hey, Sex Partner, do you have any disease?

    It’s a perfectly legitimate question. You don’t need to beat around the bush, uh, so to speak…

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