Ladies who love true crime, what case(s) are you particularly fascinated by?

  1. The Watts family! This was actually the case that made me interested in true crime.

    Long story short, I made a very stupid mistake when I was 20 and slept with a married man. I did not know he had four little kids and another on the way. I broke it off but some time later, the wife and I got in touch and it turns out he was a monster. I helped her leave him and now we’re best friends.

    Fast forward to the divorce proceedings and she sends me a link to the case as well as a screenshot of texts with her husband when I was involved with him. She told him she was scared he’d come home one day and do the same thing because the entire situation was so similar to Chris Watts.

    She told me to watch the documentary and my jaw DROPPED. I really felt for the mistress who didn’t understand the entire scope of the affair. It was like watching my friend’s and my story with an alternate ending.

    She’s now my best friend and we talk about true crime cases a lot. It’s insane how many men remind us of our ex. It just keeps happening over and over again.

  2. “Dirty John” is one heck of a story. Also, the “Man in the Window” podcast about the Golden State Killer.

  3. Punky.. she was the same age as me at the time of her abduction and I lived down the street from her complex at the time.

  4. West Memphis Three. There have even been recent “breaks” in the case but so far no relevant movement. I’m ‘Team Terry Did It’ and I’m fucking pissed they’re not currently testing DNA on the evidence they’ve recovered. Also, and I’m not sure if this counts even though it is technically true and crime, the NXIVM cult. The new season of The Vow reawakened my obsession and I’m constantly seeking more information again.

  5. Nathaniel Bar-Jonah because my sister walked to school almost every day with his suspected last victim.

  6. The disappearance/murder of Susan Powell. That whole story is such a wild ride, and it feels unfinished since her body has still not been found.

  7. I’m mainly fascinated by serial killers. It’s the psychology behind it. I’m fascinated with trying to figure out what would make someone that way and how we can prevent it.

  8. – Alcassèr murders
    – Delphi murders
    – Moscow murders
    – Jo Vera Reigle
    – Maura Murray
    – Brian Wells the pizza bomber

    And so many…

  9. Anything to do with child abuse basically. Basically it started with hearing about Gabriel Fernandez (before the Netflix documentary about him) along with other children. Made me aware of how corrupt child services are and what to look for if you suspect a child is being abused.

  10. Lizzie Borden has fascinated me since I was a kid. Her case sparked my interest in true crime and unsolved mysteries.

  11. Not true crime, but Diane Schuyler. The documentary called “there’s something wrong with Aunt Diane”. It was pretty mind blowing.

  12. I was obsessed by true crime in my 20s. Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, David Berkowitz, Charles Manson, the Zodiac Killer, Richard Speck, Gary Ridgeway, Ed Gein, all of Anne Rule’s books, and more.

    My mind couldn’t wrap itself around anyone being capable of harming another human being, so I read lots of books to try and understand that mindset.

    Conclusion: I still don’t understand why they did what they did.

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