For pre-text, we’ve been together for almost 2 years.

As of late October, my girlfriend started accepting offers to inhale a vape-type device. She was in a lot of stress, so she agreed.

She had a very difficult time on her concscious about not telling me because we both used to think thosr things are very bad and unhealthy. She did tell, though she feared I would scold her. I didn’t and instead expressed my worry for her health, more so since she was using it for stress-relief, which is dangerous because it also contains nicotine (her getting progressively worse is my biggest fear).

And her opinion on those things has changed. She doesn’t see them as the danger she used to, possibly in part due to her roommates being addicted to nicotine and her just living in a city and school where drugs and alcohol are common practice for many.
She did say she wanted to speak to her psychologist aboutnl this but I fear she may change her mind.

And I’m also very confused about this and for the past days I’ve felt odd about other things as well. I don’t know if my speech is as good-intented as it could be, I iust want thr best for her and I’m always assuring her I’m here for her.

Is there anything I can do to help her? Is there anything I can suggest? How can I offer her better support?

TL;DR My girlfriend started becoming more open to electronic cigarettes because of stress and her sudden change in belief is making me worried.

1 comment
  1. At your age, I’m pretty sure she shouldn’t be using products like this. Her idea to speak to a medical professional around this is a good one you should encourage – she should also address the underlying issue around stress.

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