I can never make my husband laugh but I know I’m funny! Men, what can women do to be funnier?

  1. Does he laugh at other stuff? Maybe he’s just not much of a laugher. Or u guys just have different senses of humor

  2. Maybe your humor and his doesn’t exactly match up? Why not ask him about what he finds funny or playful? His answers might surprise you!

  3. Fart really hard. Make it sound loud and wet. I’m sure that’ll get a smile out of him, even if he gets disgusted by it.

  4. > I know I’m funny!

    Hot take: you’re not, but your friends don’t want to insult you and artificially laugh at your jokes

  5. Usually, she’s gotta go all the way savage on someone. I’ll laugh just cause it’s unexpected.

    Like my ex said “fuck that fake tan vegan bitch, no one likes her anyways…. “And I just lost it. She wasn’t trying to be funny, it just fucking was.

  6. Humor is subjective. Maybe he just doesn’t get your humor. Didn’t seem to be a big enough deal for you to not marry him over it. Why do you care now?

  7. That depends entirely on his sense of humor.

    What I find funny, what he finds funny, and what the next guy finds funny could all be diametrically opposed.

  8. ” I can never make my husband laugh but I know I’m funny!”

    Well, you’re not funny him.(of course you could always ask him if he finds you funny. Except that would lead to an argument). Also how do you really know that you are funny? Other than friends and family do strangers find you funny?

    “Men, what can women do to be funnier?”

    Easy, be funny.

    You either are or aren’t. There’s no magic shortcut.

  9. Juggle eggs while naked. If that doesn’t make him laugh, nothing will.

    Seriously, though, it’s hard to answer. A lot of women are very funny, so that’s not the issue. Maybe you just have different tastes in humour. If everything else in the relationship is fine, is that a problem?

    I guess you could always slip on a banana skin, fall face first into a custard pie or carry a plank over your shoulder, repeatedly hitting passers by with it.

  10. Idk, probably try to copy the humor of your husband, like try to analyze what his friends and family joke about it so you can make jokes yourself

  11. You could try the sort of humour you know that he finds funny. May or may not work. (I could make a comment/joke in a similar way to one of my wife’s t.v. crushes but get nothing but crickets or eye rolls).

    He likely has a VERY different sense of humour than you and your friends. Neither of you are going to be changing that much. Suspect the only laughs you are going to induce from him and going to be unintentional on your side.

  12. He may be using it as a form of psychological control over you. It puts you on the defense and makes you stress over trying to please him by making him laugh. Look the see if there are other subtle forms of manipulation, things like not liking food that you make, not liking TV shows that you like or being “bored” with your sex routine. FYI, I am not a psychiatrist but I porked one for a short time.

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