What situation made you more wary of what you share on reddit?

  1. I work in IT and all the horror stories you hear about Reddit/TicTok/Facebook really leaves a huge impression. I don’t share any photos or videos of my son on any public platform. I have an Instagram and a FB but they are very locked down and private.

    I cannot fathom all these “influencers” sharing videos, photos and more of their children all day every day when they don’t even understand the magnitude of what they are doing.

    There are literally pedo groups that farm for child photos and keep troves of them in their “collections”.

    So terrifying and sickening.

  2. I mentioned my car, which is a pretty rare vehicle, in a comment and some guy sent me like a dozen photos of said car. None were mine, but the fact that he went out of his way looking for them is the reason my can of mace is always ready to go

  3. Was arguing with someone who I perceived to be a man on /r/tinder, who didn’t like my opinion and replied something along the lines of “this user actively posts on /r/askwomen and isn’t removed for derailing, do with that what you will.”

  4. I’m new to Reddit and was thinking what the consequences could be of using it / what to watch out for. All advice welcome!

  5. I never post my face, real name or what town I live in. I befriended my then boyfriends friend on FB, who then stole my photos, photoshopped me on p*rn and threatened to spread it for the memes. I reported him to police who convicted him for posession of childp*rn(I was 15). That entire ordeal made me scared someone will do that to me again, so I got fake personal info online.

  6. I mentioned my husband was a fashion designer. Someone asked what brand asked what he designed and I answered and a bunch of people messaged me my address.

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