How necessary is it to grow facial hair to keep your face warm in the winter?

  1. Not very.

    The one thing no one warned me about facial hair, is that if you get wet, you have wet hair all over your face.

  2. It really doesn’t keep your face warm. Shaving in winter causes your face to dry out and it hurts. 2 solutions, don’t shave, or shave before you go to bed and put some sort of lotion on your face

  3. Facial hair doesn’t provide much warmth. It’s only benefit is it somewhat helps with wind burn, but not much. Best to cover your face if it’s that cold.

  4. It is absolutely necessary. Do you see those “faces of meth” pictures? They don’t want you to know that those are people who didn’t grow facial hair in the winter.

    That’s right. Your face literally falls off.

  5. If you don’t like your guy’s facial hair, just have a conversation with him. Don’t double check his lame excuses on Reddit.

  6. Scarves exist. I have a beard and have been clean shaven at times. A beard can make the face warmer in the winter but there is also the facial icicles that form from the moisture in your breath.

    I prefer a beard, but it’s not like a clean shaven face in winter is a death sentence.

  7. Facial hair doesn’t help me with warmth at all. In general, having facial hair is more of a nuisance due to ingrown hairs and itchiness on my skin, no matter what I use to soothe it.

  8. Unless you’re going full Wizard, don’t bother.

    Mine’s long and thick enough that I never have to wear a scarf, and when I snowblow my driveway I get a nice crust of ice in the top layer of hair that keeps me insulated (at least until I come inside and it melts).

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