How do people cope with stomach problems?

  1. I try to find the cause of it and address it. If they’re persistent, I’d see a doctor to get to the bottom of it

  2. I take probiotics and try to narrow down the food(s) that are causing issues and cut them out. Tomatoes are pretty much always a no go for me.

  3. My stomach’s been messed up and extra sensitive for a while after a LONG antibiotics treatment, and I’ve found that lactic acid supplements has helped it improve. Also of course learning what foods that causes me more issues than others and not having them as often or as high in quantity.

  4. I cope with my digestive issues by eating mostly healthy food. Low intake of gluten, sugar, dairy, meat. Higher intake of protein and vegan products. Avoiding foods that are spicy. Drinking lots of water daily (minimal soda, no alcohol). Taking probiotics (and multivitamins) daily. If I do eat something with dairy, I’ll pop a Lactaid first.

    My diet also keeps my skin clear and fresh-looking. Period cramps also have disappeared since I changed my diet.

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