Alright so to preface some additional information. Me and this girl (let’s call her… Bell) we in reality don’t talk much, or really interact a lot. It’s someone I have feelings for and have admitted to her, but got turned down due to being in a relationship (happened about 3 years ago now) however I’ve recently found her tinder profile so I would guess she is single. I’m friends with her on Instagram and we have talked a couple times however each time feels extremely awkward.

So on to the main part, it’s been a couple months since we have talked and want to see about trying to get to talking more regularly, not going to jump the gun and try and suggest a date, just starting off more platonic till I can work out info in my mind. Personally I believe the last couple times have been awkward because I haven’t been able to bring up topics well (asking if she has watched a show and what she thought, even though I have no clue if she has watched) and over all just poor conversations all around. I’ve improved since then and believe I could hold a strong conversation but am afraid I’m making the wrong move.

I’d like some possible advice on just starting points to go for maybe? Or rather possible ways to overcome a fear of contacting her. I know she used to or still does horse riding, and likes shows like doctor who and the office, and she is in university at the moment.

Final bit as I know this is probably confusing, please feel free to ask any questions or anything you guys need as Im an open book. If you feel my actions are weird, creepy, anything like that, please mention it. Yes I’m interested in her but if this has a chance of creeping her out or something I’d prefer to not do it at all. Anyway thank you all!

TL:DR – I need help overcoming a fear of contacting a girl I’ve been interested in for awhile.

1 comment
  1. I’m affraid that there is great possibility of creeping her out. Everything in your post sounds to me that you care too much, you see her as one and only chance for love and terrified to mess this up. You think too much, analyze too much and idolize her.

    Ok, now what to do. If I were you, first I would lose the idea that I’m gonna be in any nonplatonic relations with her. When that is done I would hit her up and tell her that I would like to try horse riding and would be heppy if she would teach me/ accompany me in my first time riding. If she would said “yes” I would treat her as a platonic friend. If she would say “no” I would go myself.

    Either way I would be looking to meet other girls, getting to know them, dating them so I feel I don’t need her. Then I would ask myself do I really still like her? If so I would tell her.

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