What is something you’re not very good at but wish that you were?

  1. singing

    damn if i could sing i would never stop. i’ve tried but i can’t carry a tune to save my life

  2. Dancing. I need to take a class so I can be the amazing dancer I was always meant to be.

  3. Programming.

    I’m studying game design, and making a living from making games is basically my dream job. But it’d be really nice to actually have the skills to see my dreams through, or at least not feel like I’m constantly struggling in basically every class I take.

  4. My looks. Getting women. Having a social life. Studying. Work. Earning money. Driving. Fixing things. Cooking.

    Just being a man in general.

  5. Car maintenance and woodwork. My old man is great with carpentry but was often drinking too much to make me want join him on projects and wasn’t all together nice to be around when I was younger.

  6. Learning languages. I’ve just got some kind of mental block.

    A couple years after graduation, I ran into my old French teacher at a wedding and after a couple glasses of wine together, she told me that I was supposed to fail the course miserably but she gave me a C anyways because she saw how hard I was working and didn’t think I’d benefit from summer school.

  7. Golf.

    I really enjoy the game but man do I suck. I always have the highest score in the group but I have more fun than anyone.

    I’m wondering if I got any good if I would enjoy it less or something because I would be mad at my performance.

  8. Having energy. Work takes 99% of it everyday. The remaining 1% goes to cooking dinner and house work.

  9. I cannot catch or throw a ball or anything to save my life. I have many talents, but physical coordination is not one of them.

  10. Just being able to actually do small talk. I suck at it and it’s super awkward to try to talk with my future in-laws

  11. Being attractive in terms of dating.

    I can date, and have had girlfriends before. But it takes me a looooonnnnng time to find one between breakups. Like, 3 years, long.

  12. Social interactions. I generally find so much of the time I run out of things to say extremely easily.
    It’s sad and frustrating but I think I’m getting a bit better.

  13. Definitely know how to develop better songs and play the piano.

    I’m trash, I wanted to be useful at least in that

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