Tonight we just got in a fight cause we were talking on snap all day then she stopped responding and I didn’t really care but then it got up to 2 hours where I was on delivered. So I just checked it and it went up by like 15, so I asked her if she was just ignoring me and she got all defensive and said she didn’t get on snap at all and said that I accused her of cheating. She kept saying she didn’t snap anyone else. I wanna trust her but I keep remembering that it went up. Could it have gone up late cause she had a story up like a day ago? Am I just overthinking it too much now?

TL;DR: I’m overthinking about how my gf’s snapscore up, but she said she didn’t snap anyone.

  1. You’re bugging. The snapscore has too many factors for you to let it make you insecure. She could also have very well Just sent a snap to her friend, and if she did so before responding to you then so what?

    If you let these little things get to you you will never find satisfaction in a relationship. Do yourself a favor and stop checking her snapscore.

  2. If you are actually this worried about Snapchat, you are way to immature for a relationship.

  3. Snap score goes up when people send you a snap as well. That being said, you clearly do not trust your girlfriend, so stop saying in a relationship that’s making you this insecure paranoid and controlling. It’s either your girlfriend is for the streets or you need to work on yourself before being in a relationship, but it does not do you any good to stay in a relationship that is causing you to be a worse person.

  4. You are pissed that she’s on Snapchat but not talking to you, she believes that you are accusing her of cheating. She’s doing what you’re accusing her of, and doesn’t want to explain it. How old are you two, roughly? How long have you been together?

  5. Look bro, you just have to trust your partner. What’s the point in trying to be their prison warden? Also not responding for two hours is not exactly that long, you need to learn how to entertain yourself when she’s not around.

  6. My suggestion for a solution on this is to delete Snapchat… this is incredibly immature. The temptation to over analyze these things is real, and it’s an absolute relief to rid yourself of it altogether. You’ll get used to it’s absence.. and you won’t fall into this train of thought again. Learn to trust your partner and your basic instincts, nearly everything else clouds your thoughts.

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