I’m wondering how most ppl fee in the OLD world… and what I should expect when I start doing it myself .

Please state your gender and age… so I can see the stats here better and understand more!

Does online dating make you feel more confident, happy, and give eggo boosts or does it bring u down more, give u anxiety, and make u feel less secure?

  1. As a woman, I don’t find getting random compliments and thirst messages as a positive thing.

    It does stress me out hence why I stopped using online dating

  2. (Woman in her 40’s)
    It has made me happier overall. All my experiences haven’t been great but I’ve made good friends, dated and continue to date, have FWBs from OLD which increases my happiness.

  3. Online dating never worked for me as a woman in my 20s. I felt grossed out and creeped out. The weirdest most flakey dudes were on there. I met with plenty and gave some chances. It never worked out. It got old after a day.

  4. As a trans person, OLD makes me either feel highly sexualized or undesirable, no in between.

    When I use Grindr or Taimi, I just get a bunch of men asking me to perform sexual favors for them.

    When I use Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge, the problem depends on how I list myself on the app. If I list myself as “man seeking man,” I get very few matches, because most gay men are seeking other cis gay men.

    I’ve never used “woman seeking man,” because I have very little interest in dating straight-identifying men. I use “man seeking man” in hopes that I’ll find a bi/pan men, but after being swiped on left so many times, it just lowers my elo score and I feel like I don’t get shown to the people I want to see.

    In real life, things are drastically different. I get flirted with here and there, even though people are well aware that I have a penis, so I know I’m not unattractive. There’s just very little room for me to be anything other than trans on OLD.

  5. I just recently made a Tinder account. Getting matches gives me a slight amount of validation, which has boosted my confidence a bit. But I really don’t try to talk to people on there so far, because I want to push myself to be more confident in the real world

    22 male

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