In regards to any areas of life. Relationships, finances, mentality, etc.Just things you’ve had to accept about the world that may have been difficult.

  1. No one is coming to save you.

    Take care of yourself and be able to save yourself, because when the moment comes, you are on your own.

    This life is yours and 100% YOUR responsibility.

  2. The world owes you nothing and there is genuinely no such thing as balance or karma.


    Everything ends. Good or bad. It always comes to an end.

  3. No one has it all figured out. Not your parents, not the government, not the businessmen or even the doctors.

    Everyone’s just making their way in this fucked up world pretending that they know what they’re doing, but they don’t.

    You’ll never have it all figured out, I think that’s a realisation best made early on.

    Also, nobody can prepare you for the pain of heartbreak or the death of a close family member. Jesus Christ that shit hurts and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

  4. I’ve been trying to find a way where i can enjoy nature, really look after myself and have more free time. But i have had to accept that the system is really fucked and I’m working to live, with very little spare time to do the important things. I’m at peace now though because i know this is all temporary

  5. The world doesn’t care if you are hurting or broken. It will run you over without blinking.

  6. Being jobless sucks, it’s as if you don’t get to live your life the way you want it rather you’re at mercy of someone else’s.

  7. The concept of karma doesn’t work as well as you think it will. If you make sacrifices for people, don’t expect to get that back when you’re in need. It’s not *impossible* that good people will reciprocate. But, if given the opportunity to benefit themselves by screwing you over, most people will take that opportunity.

    Not putting yourself in a position where others can screw you over is a skill that’s taken me far too long to learn.

  8. The vast majority of women like men for the value they provide. Also certain behaviors like being moderately to extremely cocky work better than being nice guy TM for attraction.

  9. Everyone is out to get you. Nobody is on your side, except maybe your parents (if you’re lucky). Plan accordingly.

  10. No matter how good you are or what you’ve done, no matter what career field you are in, no matter how popular you are, there will ALWAYS be somebody that will try and take you down.

  11. Your coworkers, no matter how hard they try to convince you, are not your friends. All those talks about how you’re a team and family mean absolutely nothing in the long run. Coworkers can be great when they’re cooperative and humble, but I am singling out the ones who push extra hard for friendships at work when it isn’t necessary to begin with. Those types of people will look to take advantage of you at any chance and to shift blame or accountability towards you when they make mistakes.

  12. Freedom is only for those who respect other perspectives, and believes. One is not better than the other as we have all different backgrounds, grew up in different situations, and are influenced by different events in life.

  13. There is such a thing as a luck stat and it’s not evenly spread. Not everything depends on you.

    Example: you can become fit, but you can’t become tall.

    Example 2: you can become the best partner, but you can’t make them appreciate you.

  14. Entitlement is the worst characteristic you can have. You’re not entitled to anyone’s time or company

  15. “No one gets a bonus for bloody knuckles and scars… no one remembers your name just for working hard.”

  16. 1.Life can be stranger than fiction

    2.People are more adapt to help someone whos trying to help themselves

    3. Life is bleak but life can also be good. You dont have to have a lot of material wealth to be

    [4.](https://4.Life) Life isnt all doom and gloom like reddit says it is.

    5. Most women in real life dont want a whiney crying male. Most women want someone who
    can take care of them if the need be and provide protection on some level.

    6. Your looks matter the most in a relationship. Not that your gf will leave you for someone
    taller richer or whatever but if she thinks you are the hottest man then she will never cheat
    or leave you. Take care of your face and body.


    8. Therapy wont fix you. You have to want to fix you. Sometimes a therapist can pull out
    deeply hidden behaviors but you still need to put in work to fix things

    9. Reddit relationship advise is awful if you want to be sucessful with women IRL not on the
    internet. Being a non threatening soy boy always crying about feelings wont get you laid.

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