back story: I ( 24F) have been dating my bf (25M) for about 4 months now and before that we were very good friends so I knew him for a while before dating, went of friend trips, etc

So a little after our 3 month dating mark I told my bf I loved him. He said was wasn’t ready to say it back. He was very sweet about it, explained that he deeply cares about me, that he needs more time to understand his feelings etc. I completetly believe him and have no doubts in my mind, however him not saying it back stung bad. I cried myselt to sleep for a couple days and felt so lonely. We are a little over 4 months now and he had not said it (which I have no problem with I repect his feelings). However some part of me still feels rejected, and I am scared that when he tells me he loves me, it will create issues with me because the anger and hurt from not being told back will not allow me jump on the happy love boat with him. What do I do? I am not sure how to feel, and I told him it hurt me but i have not told him my fears about the day he says it back.


PS, I feel like it has been eating at me this past month and when I randonmly think about it I feel super sad and angry all over so safe to say my feelings were cut deep

1 comment
  1. So what you did was expect an outcome and got disappointed when you didn’t get the outcome you wanted? Not to be harsh but that was your first mistake..expecting. I know it can hurt to not hear it back. Why don’t you put a little distance between you two so he can understand his feelings a little more. Sometimes time and distance is what’s needed to understand feelings better.

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