I (F21) work all weekdays and my boyfriend (M21) works all weekends. But we live together.

Yesterday I was out all day and today I was going to be home all day until night time. Tonight’s plan was to meet my boyfriend at 5pm after his work.

This afternoon (12.15pm) he decided to call me after his bakery work finished to say that he has until 1.45pm til his next shift as a tutor. He asked if I wanted to come hang with him around the shops as he has nothing to do until the next shift.

I said ok. By the time I got there and found parking, we had about half an hour left. I was obviously pissed because it took me so long to find parking and I hated parking there.

He told me that I am here anyways so I shouldn’t be pissed. And our conversation was as follows:

Him: “I just wanted to hang with you on your day off.”

Me: “On the phone you said coz you are bored. Why didn’t you tell me last night or this morning that you would be free for about 2 hours in between the shifts – I would have timed it so we maximised the free time”

Him: “I didn’t think about that. I asked you to come though, you could have said no”

Me: “When I say no you always make me feel guilty after”

Him: “This is a relationship, how much effort you put in is how much you get”

I feel like I wasted 2 hours to do basically nothing. He thinks its my day off so I wouldn’t mind coming to “hang.”

Can someone tell me what they feel about this? Advice/opinions appreciated.

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