So I met a girl on bumble and we hit it off really well! We’re going out on a date this weekend and im really excited but im nervous about one thing. Im about 2 months removed from an 8 year relationship. I haven’t told her this yet because, well, it didn’t seem relevant yet. I plan to let her know that im fresh off a relationship but im nervous that she will feel like she’s just a rebound, which isn’t necessarily the case.

For context, the relationship I left was unhealthy for about three years. We had no sex life, we had become just friends, but stayed together out of convenience or fear of being alone. We hadn’t been in love in years. So while technically the breakup is fresh, I feel like I’ve not been invested in that relationship in years.

How do I tell my date this in a way that doesn’t make it seem like a bigger deal than it is? There are still logistical things to figure out. Like we share the same friends, and a lot of her stuff remains in my place because I’m trying to be nice while she figures out storage.

Hoping for any advice here. I don’t want to scare this new girl off but not saying anything feels wrong as well.

  1. You don’t. You just don’t. You don’t talk about former relationships. If she asks you how long you’ve been single, you can say a couple of months. And don’t ask her about prior relationships.

  2. Staying together for fear of being alone needs to come right the hell out of that story lol.

    You don’t need to disclose anything unless she asks. You may or may not know where your head/heart is at with this whole thing, but you better figure it out pretty quick. If you don’t want her to be a rebound, you better damn sure make sure she isn’t.

    If it does come up, tell her the truth just as you told us, but again, leave out the part about being afraid to be alone. That’s a red flag.

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