I (22M) broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years (21M) about a month ago. It was a reasonably peaceful breakup that came about due to a few issues I started to have with the relationship such as:
Relationship becoming long distance without an idea on when this would change,

A difference in sexual desire with him almost not being interested at all and vice versa for me,

Alongside a few other smaller points such as various behaviours and traits that just didn’t mix well at times that ended up annoying me a bunch if I was a bit short on patience that day.

Despite the breakup and the reasons for it, we’ve still been hanging out a lot every day through voice calls as we play a video game together (something we usually did before the breakup in the evenings), and even though I think I made the right choice of breaking up with him as I believe it would be better in the long run to try and find a better match, I can’t help but feel like I’m redeveloping the feelings I had earlier on in our relationship.

I’m unsure if I just haven’t fully gotten over the relationship or if me currently living somewhere where I can’t meet new people easily is partly responsible for this, but I have started considering whether I should see if they’ll take me back.
We have had a lot of good times together despite everything else and I still feel like he is one of my closest friends even after the breakup.

I’m still unsure if this relationship would work out in the long run, but I’m also unsure if that really matters right now.
Do I try and give our relationship another chance?

Broke up after 2 years of dating. After about a month I’ve started to consider getting back together with him. Should I do it?

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