I am an average looking guy with cute face . I have pretty cool job in an IT company. I suck at humour,showing passion or conversational skills in general. I have never been in a relationship before. I did ask a girl out once in school and chickend out at last minute.thats a story for another time and subreddit . I can’t even remember last time talked to a girl and a conversation leading to anywhere else. My sister’s wedding is coming up in 2 weeks and this may be the chance to score some girls. But i suck at it and i know it . Which is ironic because my sister is having a love marriage. I have a fear that the older i get the more difficult it will be so i want to find someone fast before my parents start to find one themselves. Well they are Modern i would say. They wouldn’t force or emotionally blackmail me into a marriage until I’m ready and also they won’t start doing that until I’m at least 26. But the fact that I won’t be able to find a love and stay alone until I get married scares the shit out of me. Help me with you best tips so I can get atleast one or two sure shot possibility of relationship. Also it’s an Indian wedding so the amount of people would be atleast 350 so the i will get plenty of chances but the competition would also be plenty. I have been preparing for that days outfit for like a month now. Spent a lot of money and time to look the best i can. So hoping the day would go great and successful.

  1. Best tip is to go in NOT trying to get something out of them. Be yourself, be confident, stop worrying about being in a rela enjoy the wedding – it’s a celebration of your sisters love not an opportunity for you to ‘score some girls’…also if you’re obvious in what you are doing it’ll circle around your family network incredibly fast.

  2. Well, we can see right here why women pay you no attention. You’re only interested in “scoring” and “getting some.” I’m sure your culture doesn’t help, you need to be thinking of women as equal creatures that are not so extremely different from you. At least be friendly for awhile before hitting on them!

    I will not be surprised if you are spectacularly unsuccessful regardless, because women can sense that’s all you want, and we’ll avoid you for it.

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