How long did it take you to say ‘I love you’ to your significant partner?

  1. Maybe a month or two after we got together. But we’d known each other about 6 months before that so there’d been plenty of time for feelings to develop already.

  2. About a month. We were talking about our past relationships and how our previous partners were toxic and didn’t make us feel loved. She told me she loved me first, then I told her I loved her too. Felt nice hearing it first for once.

  3. It took me 2 years to say “i love you”. There are day that i regret saying it to them, but you can only move ahead learn from mistakes.

  4. I think it was a day or two after we got together. We’d known each other for 4 and a half years beforehand though and we we’re best friends so we we’re already super close.

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