I was shocked to read a post in r/netherlands, about an american moving to the netherlands asking about homework. She said that in the US, it was pretty common for children to work on homework till after midnight since they got home from school/after-school sports, only stopping to eat dinner . I just can’t believe it. How can they even do other normal things like hanging out with friends. Is this true, do schools really give 5-6 hours of homework a day

Sorry for bad english I’m not native


Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/u492n6/the\_truth\_about\_homework\_in\_primary\_and\_secondary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/u492n6/the_truth_about_homework_in_primary_and_secondary/)

  1. I can only think of honors or AP students having that much work. I never worked on homework beyond an hour or two a day, assuming I even had homework to do.

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  3. Yes it is pretty normal, not every day, but not out of the ordinary either. Like 2-3 days of the week you usually get this loaded with hw

  4. I never did homework, and my grades suffered for it. I wasn’t going to go to school for 8 hours, then go home and do more work… I just wasn’t 😆

  5. Not common but not unheard of. Happens if they’re taking a very ambitious courseload and are aiming for high grades to get into a prestigious university. They get to hang out with their friends during study sessions, or weekends or don’t really have a social life. I’d say 2-3 hours is more typical, a part of it is just time management and prior understanding of course material.

  6. The OP in that post has an agenda, but I’d also guess their teenagers aren’t very honest or efficient. That seems like an excessive amount, but but I’d guess they spend a lot of that time not actually doing homework, especially if they have an internet connection available.

  7. If you have homework that takes you past midnight then they’re either procrastinating, taking a bunch of honors/AP classes, not that bright, have too many extracurriculars after school, overworked/overwhelmed, or put way too much effort or time into homework, or dumb (least likely)

    Homework per subject should take about 30-60 minutes per class. You may not have homework every night in every class too. You should be able to finish all homework within 3 hours max. Most people have extracurriculars and still finish in a realistic time. And there’s times when you can start working on it during class and there’s also study halls in junior/middle school and high school, which gives you even more time

  8. As an Asian HS student (living in Asia), I can relate to homework till midnight haha.

  9. I teach primary (K-2). Typically I do two pages of homework twice a week. Two pages for Monday and Tuesday, due Wednesday. Two more pages for Wednesday and Thursday, due Friday. Short assignments, maybe 15 minutes if that much. Homework should be used to review a lesson, not replace one.

  10. That was true in Catholic school. I would leggit go to a tutor after school for an hour to work on home work. Then after dinner for usual 3-4 hours. Then I went to public school for 9-12 and it was the easiest shit ever.

  11. Haven’t been in school for a while.

    Which grades?

    I did most of my homework during other classes. I rarely had anything to take home, and if so, maybe half an hour?

    Might also depend on how bright or observant the student was.

    If a kid has no aptitude for a subject or never listens to the teacher, maybe more time to do assignments? If they have a learning disability they are usually in special classes so it isn’t that.

  12. It depends on whether they are honors/Advanced Placement/dual credit courses, the specific schools, whether the student has a learning disability or neurodevelopmental disorder, and if the student is taking extra classes that year.

  13. I did that occasionally if I had a big report that was due the next day or an exam to study for. Usually less than 2 hours, though, and most often less than one.

  14. I took AP classes in high school and probably spent about 3 hours per night: I’d go to my after-school job, come home and eat dinner, and then do my homework from 7-10pm.

    Even then, I mostly did this because I wanted to keep my schedule clear for weekend fun: I think some kids actually did prefer to save up all their work for Sunday night.

  15. Every school system is going to be slightly different as they all set their own curricula and individual teachers even have a lot of leeway in what they assign. But in general that wasn’t my experience, like… at all.

    I usually only had a 1-2 hours of homework a few days a week. Almost none at all in elementary school. That said I tended to complete my work pretty quickly, and would get a lot done during downtime in school itself (i.e. during class changes or lunch I’d be mentally writing a history paper or something like that which meant when I sat down to actually write it I basically just had to type it up, format the citations and be done with it).

  16. Varies a lot, but I don’t remember ever doing much more than an hour of homework a night in high school (and often less).

    The only way I’d ever have had 5-6 hours of work would be a project or paper that had been assigned weeks ago that I’d procrastinated.

  17. I only remember having a 30 minutes to an hour of homework. If we had a test or something then I would study more than that.

    I have 3 people in my family who are teachers and they recently informed me that most teachers they know don’t give homework to kids anymore. Which was very surprising to me.

  18. Outside of big projects, I rarely had to do homework at home – there was enough free time during the school day to finish it there.

    My kids get sent home with a half-hour of homework almost every day. It’s too much.

  19. It may not be due to the quantity of work but if they do drama, band, or sports. practices which take place after school usually last 2 to 3 hours for an average sport several days a week.

  20. It may not be due to the quantity of work but if they do drama, band, or sports. practices which take place after school usually last 2 to 3 hours for an average sport several days a week.

  21. Don’t believe it or anything just from what one person said. The girl forgot to mention that she chooses to volunteer in everything under the sun which is why her schedule is jam packed.

  22. It’s been a while since I was in high school, but I probably spent less than an hour a day on homework, and I was in AP classes.

  23. Sixth grade
    He needs to do a couple of pages in the math workbook
    Study some spelling words
    30 minutes of reading

    Sometimes I see him coloring a diagram of a map of Greece and labeling things.

    I’d guess with the 30 minutes of reading this is like 90 minutes of work.

    At this point there is never weekend homework

    My kindergartener has zero

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