There’s this guy (27?) at work who I (28F) have honestly thought was the sweetest and super attractive since literally the first day I met him. I work from home most of the time but we do talk once a week at least for work and we always say hi to each other when I do go into the office. He’s kind of quiet / reserved but he’s never been avoidant the few times I’ve tried to subtly flirt — we work together so I don’t want to make it awks in case he’s not interested. He isn’t active on socials and doesn’t wear a ring and hasn’t mentioned a SO but I have a bad track record in the past with guys liking me flirting with them and so they just don’t tell me they have a gf or wife until I’ve already caught feelings and then I feel horrible. I just want to be sure so I do want to ask him, but I’m trying to find a way to do that so that it won’t be awks in case he has a gf 😬

Anyone more suave than me have any ideas ?? 😂

  1. Ask what his plans are for the holidays. That’s a perfect time for him to mention that he has a GF if he has one.

  2. Literally ask him “do you have a girlfriend?”

    It’s a very normal question, and is even a way to flirt.

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