That one recipe that you’ve tasted plenty of times, but still no one can top the one your mom makes or used to make.

  1. A dish sort of like a [Dublin Coddle]( but going a hundred or so years via Wales. Basically, pork sausages wrapped in bacon, sliced onion, thinly sliced potatoes, cooked in a broth. It sounds simple but any change in nuance is just not the same.

    My Nan also made a beef casserole with [dumplings](, like no other.

  2. Pancakes! Sweet and thin. Whenever I try to copy her, I end up with completely different looking pancakes. Hers are just perfect and absolute soul food with a little sugar and cinnamon

  3. Lasagne, no doubt about it. I know you must have heard it from every Italian but they’re really something else!

  4. Cheese Cake – every single cheese cake I‘ve eaten makes me feel full after three bites and just tastes way too sweet and full of calories.
    The cheese cake my mother bakes is the only one I‘ve ever eaten that I actually like to eat, and it‘s the best cake. No-one can convince me otherwise.

  5. Not my Mum, but my mother-in-law… and the dish is lasagne.

    No-one I have ever met can make it as good as she does! And I have tried a lot of different versions…

  6. My grandmother makes the best burek and baklava.

    My mother makes the best seafood risotto and moussaka.

    My father makes the best strong alcohol from grapes

    I provide nothing but i consume dearly

  7. My mom is great, she does everything best, but the inventor of chicken and noodles ain’t got shit on my grandma.

  8. Brussels sprouts, actually. When I eat some that were cooked by someone other than my mum, I understand why the majority of people don’t like them

  9. Interestingly enough meatballs, since she came from Bosnia so she’s not even Swedish.

    They’re small, tasty and crunchy.

  10. I can’t think of a single dish my mom or my grandma would prepare better than I do, they’re not the best cooks honestly. Not bad cooks, but they don’t like cooking and you can taste it.

    Also, my mom never follows a recipe. Once she made a no bake cheesecake base with extremely salty crackers, because she refuses to read the recipe or the packaging of the ingredients.

    Though my great-grandma made way better cabbage rolls than anyone in the family.

  11. I don’t know : (, my mom doesn’t like cooking. But I still haven’t found someone who has done a better ‘hachis parmentier’ (I don’t know the english term) than my dad ( he always does it for my birthday) he even makes it better than my grandma (well he did learn from her,so…).

  12. My mother….was never a very good cook; too busy being a single mother with a career.

    And even if she were, being a good cook in Ireland means a different thing from being a good cook in Italy or France.

  13. My mum makes fantastic cinnamon buns and saffron buns. She’s good at home-made fika bread and desserts overall.

    Dad is good at meat-related cooking, venison and meatballs made out of moose especially.

  14. My dad is the way better cook, my moms cooking is fairly average.

    However, her ‘stamppot zuurkool’ (mashed potatoes with sauerkraut) is amazing. She adds banana and often also pineapple, and some herbs. It’s a fairly simple dish and I don’t know what exactly she does with it but it always tastes so much better than when I try to make it. I’m half convinced she has a special ingredient that she never told me about or something.

  15. My mom is not a good cook lol, but my paternal grandma made an amazing lamb Chanfana. Sadly she passed when I was very young and I never got the recipe from her.

  16. Not my mum, but my dad.

    Soljanka (Ukrainian dish but super popular in East Germany) and Rinderroulade.

    A couple years ago I made Rinderroulade with a friend of mine for a mutual (female) friends birthday. While talking during prep with everyone who ended up at the feast we found out that yes, Rinderroulade is the dish that dad makes. It’s never the mothers.

    For a lot of my friends moms make the every day meals, dads make the special sunday dishes.

  17. i actually cant stand my moms cooking. its bland, flavourless, and mushy. she just cooks for utility (although shes a decent baker!). my *dad* though, is an amazing cook whose tastes overlap far more with mine, and he actually enjoys it. especially the way he prepares tofu is better than any restaurant has to offer – at least those in our price range, lol. not exactly very dutch, but dutch food isnt much to write home about anyways, we’re much better at confectioneries.

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