so yeah, some kids were fooling around and yelled at this person that I had a crush on her, and now she is avoiding me (ig she does not have a crush on me lol) How do I fix this? because this is a friendship I would like to keep

  1. She is weird for avoiding you because of lies, funny friendship isn’t it ? Like, talking like adults ?

    Just say you want to talk to her quickly, tell her how much you’re not interested AT ALL about her, you can tell her you’re interested in an another girl. Make it very clear

    And if she still avoiding you : either you’re weird too, either you should ignore her forever and never talk to her ever again

  2. Drop her a note with two parts:
    Suggest that you ease up on hanging out for a little while, because people were getting the wrong impression.

    Bring up some inoffensive and fun topic you can talk about while you are not hanging out in person.

  3. So if she belevies it, and shes telling you that you have then she has crush on you, or dhe is just a b*tch with huge ego

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