(41F) I’m an introvert and most times I like being by myself but I also crave for attention, love and care but when it comes eventually I seem to be uninterested or unable to keep it up for long, there’s just a lot more I won’t blurt out on here but would be willing to privately.

  1. Is it possible you just haven’t figured out how to find balance in a relationship? It’s taken me a lifetime to figure out that relationships don’t have to be and shouldn’t be all-consuming..im also an introvert and need my me time just to decompress and recharge. There’s a way to accomplish both. But I used to think being in a relationship meant to couldn’t do that. It meant going all in all the time. There’s a way to be there for your partner in a way that meets their needs but still being able to take your time so you can replenish. Just need to communicate

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