So I(f24) met both (m, 20s) last year. I’ll call them A and B.
At the beginning I was closer to A. On february I told him I liked him, but he didn’t seem interested. We continued being friends but we didn’t talk much.
Time goes on and I started talking with B more, and he’s really nice, open and communicative, which is the complete opposite of A.
This month A came around trying to flirt and it seems he was interested in something casual, but I’m not. We flirted a bit but nothing else(all through text).
But I found out B could be the interested in me, and we’re really close at this point. I’d like some advice about how to proceed.
Should I tell B about what happened between me and his friend A?

TLDR: 2 guys who are friends are interested in me and I don’t know how to proceed

  1. If they were both interested in you were they friends to begin with? or just guys waiting for the right time?

    How would you deal with a single guy that liked you? its no different. you go with the one you like. In this case once you choose I recommend you don’t leave the other around as a “friend” it will just cause problems.

  2. If you had slept with A or something like that, it would be a completely different story, but as long as nothing ever actually happened with A other than him giving you the brush off before you ever got close to B and you giving him the brush off more recently, I don’t think it’s a big deal. It might not be a bad idea to tell B as a FYI if you two do start dating, but I’m not really sure you need to. Just don’t do anything with A going forward or you’ll probably lose your shot with B.

  3. Which one do you like the most and are the most compatible with?

    Pick that one. No need to tell the other one. Trust me, he’ll already know lol. They are friends remember?

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