I (22F) want to break up with me (20M) boyfriend. He’s super sweet to others, we have fun together, and does nice things for me… but honestly I never wanted a relationship. I told him that just days before he asked me out. I should’ve made more clear boundaries with him and I need to work on boundaries in general but honestly in the beginning I thought I just wasn’t into him because I was used to be in toxic relationships so this one seemed “boring”. But now i feel like I am just not that into him. I’ve caught him in white lies before. I also feel like I’ve talked to him about what I want in bed and he doesn’t seem to care. Tonight we had sex and I didn’t get off and he told me to use my vibrator to get off then offered to have sex again when he knows it doesn’t get me off. This happens frequently. I also told him that I am having an issue being intimate with him and he doesn’t seem to care. I guess the only reason I’m debating on staying with him is because our families expect us to be together this Christmas and they have bought gifts for the both of us. My mom told me he spent hundreds of dollars on me. I had a talk with him saying I’m not completely in this right now and to return them and he said we could do whatever we needed to so we could fix it but I don’t think that’s true. He bought tickets to my favorite musical which are non refundable and idk. It’s a whole mess. I feel like an ass for staying with him but I feel like one for leaving too. I just wish I would’ve stayed friends with him.

  1. You’re already feeling like your reletionship is over. Best to get it over now than later. Any other obligations are an after thought and should not be taken into consideration.

    Take it to the extreme examples… planning a trip together. Would you still want to attend a trip with your partner that you broke up with?… Unlikely.

    Bite the bullet if you already know you’re going to break up with him.

    Gifts mean nothing if the reletionship is over.

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