What would you do to look your age if you’re young adults who still look like 15-16 years old boys?

  1. I’m not sure I would do anything. Supposing I was 21 and at a bar or something, I’d have my ID so I don’t think there’d be an issue.

  2. Enjoy it while it lasts . Clothing helps though – business casual is not a 15-16 fashion trend – hit the gym and get some gains

  3. I always looked very young, dressing better and piercings, or tattoos help. Obviously lots of people don’t want tattoos or piercings, but I’d say watching how you dress is a good start

  4. Dress more maturely, try and build your physique, and most importantly cut your hair shortly.

    I get carded when my hair grows out. The first couple weeks after a haircut, it doesn’t happen.

  5. Growing a beard even if it’s not the best helps.

    I still had to be used to people calling the cops on my “fake” id up until I was 24.

  6. What is with this subject. This is like 5th time something like this has been asked in a week.

  7. I grew a beard after being mistaken for 16 at 22. If I shaved it I would still probably be mistaken for 16 at 34.

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