Tried to tell my bf that I didn’t like his tone, I asked him to grab bags from the car, he says “Just do to yourself or I’ll get them later!” And it was so incredibly rude that I just grabbed them, 30 seconds later he comes up behind me grabs the bags and says “oh, yeah, just two like I thought” laughing a bit and continues to have me carry them in the house… like what a … then I said I don’t like his tone and he goes “you really want to start something right now? You really want to do this tonight? Just f-ing drop it and move the F on!” So I’m in the bathroom just like so tired of being talked to in a certain manner, expressing my feelings only to be met with do I want to start something? Yes, I do want to “start” standing up for myself to tell you I don’t like your tone.. also don’t swear at the. Advice? I am
Not in a place to be able to break up but I need some just emotional support.

  1. I like your idea of standing up for yourself and setting boundaries. Boundaries and mutual respect are important for relationships. Hoping that when things calm down a bit that both of you can have an honest one-on-one discussion. It’s important to express yourself and what you want in a relationship. Good luck!

  2. First him talking to you like that’s not accepted you have to make the decision for yourself if you want to continue with him and only you can decide what are the next steps do you want to deal with this or will you move on to better things you deserve respect love and compassion but only you can see the road ahead no one can tell you what to do only you can
    Best of luck I have been there before and only til I was ready to face it Can it be better
    Happy holidays and be safe

  3. You are not in a place to be able to break up??? Ok well you need to work on a plan QUICKLY to be in a place to be able to break up!! Get away from him before it gets worse. I know from experience.

  4. Talk for him and tell him that this tone is hurtful and don’t degrade yourself by listening to his shit. If he understands and changes within a week then well and good otherwise leave his ass cause you know this is just going to escalade and turn into abuse

  5. If this is how he reacts to such a frivolous argument, how will he react to bigger more significant arguments?

    He sounds incredibly rude, crass, and like he doesn’t care about making you happy or even just being a decent considerate human.

    You need to consider your future. You deserve better and he sounds like he has problems. You’re not his mother or his therapist. Keep these things in mind when you think about the future that’s right for you.

    I’m sure everyone in your life who loves you will support you in whatever decision you decide to make in your life as long as it’s the healthiest option for you (or even if it isnt).. I’m not going to tell you to jump ship, that’s not my place. Just please think things through, know your worth, don’t let anyone disrespect you or your boundaries and do what you feel is best for you and the future you want to live.

    Best of luck stranger 🤍

  6. You need to start working on being in a place to leave him. Squirrel away money and get out. Until then, just keep things civil.

  7. You (or anyone really) don’t deserve to be spoken to like this. Maybe take some time away from him and reset. See if when you spend some time away you feel better about the situation.

  8. As others have said, quickly try to get to a place where you are able to break up. You can’t be with this guy anymore

  9. Yikes! Man your boyfriend seems to wake up on the wrong side of the bed every day apparently. First off, he shouldn’t be talking to you like that, especially insulting you with how many grocery bags you can carry inside. Not to defend him but maybe he’s going through something that he doesn’t want you to know about and he’s deciding to release any anger and frustration at you which is wrong if my theory is correct. Definitely try talking to him and if he gets defensive or curses you out again, weigh your options on continuous suffering with him or breaking up and being free from verbal abuse. This is my two cents worth. I hope this helps!

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