I (22 F) invited my friend (20 M) to come stay with my family and I for a few days over winter break and he said yes! We met last year at uni at a Halloween party although I recognized him because he followed me on Instagram at the beginning of the semester. Early on I started to realize that I had feelings for him, he is extremely extroverted and is very popular around campus whereas I am introverted and have a smaller circle of close friends. We’ve talked about this before, but he and I both didn’t think we would end up becoming friends when we first met. I thought I was so awkward and made a bad impression because I was quiet and he was talking more with the person next to me. He, later on, told me that he thought I was so sweet but he felt like I might not like him because he was so loud and would not like his energy. Since then we started hanging out throughout the last year, we would tell each other about going on dates, had a few heart to hearts, and we’ve introduced each other to our friends. One of the friends he introduced me to and I’ve hung out with a few times was this nice girl and they had gone on a road trip together and they were telling me all about it. Later in the year, over the summer I saw this girl post a photo of the two of them hanging out together but they are out of state students so I thought that it was cool they made that trip to get together. He and I didn’t really chat much over the summer and so I hadn’t heard from him in a while. This school year we’ve been hanging out a bit and catching up which was nice, but he told me that he and this girl he had introduced me to had broken up because she cheated on him. Now, I was kind of in shock because I didn’t even know they were together. Then he asked me about my dating life and I mentioned that someone I thought I was going to be friends with and I were hanging out but they thought it was a date and I didn’t know or want that at all. Then, my friend decided to joke about us being on a date (I wished we had been), he mentioned that when we first met he told his best friend about me and asked her to monitor him so he wouldn’t cuss in front of me, he also told me that he feels like I’m one of 3 people he feels closest with, and we have been bonding over our love for the film La La Land. He’s so wonderful when we’re together in person, but he has also been flaky and distant at times which really confuses me. He also has a lot of friends that are girls and I don’t know if I’m just another friend or if he perhaps feels something more. We are both out of state students and I am pleasantly surprised that he said yes to coming to stay with me for a few days over break. I know that it’s a lot, but I have wanted to tell him how I feel for a while now, but I’m scared about how he’ll react. We’ve been friends for about a year now and I want to tell him how I feel before it’s too late. I have a plan on how I want to tell him, although, I am worried that it may ruin our friendship. Should I tell him how I feel after break or does this just sound like another ordinary friendship?

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