My friend started to reproach me that my attitude annoys her even though I didn’t do anything, but she wants certain changes in this friendship that involves activities that I don’t feel comfortable with. She offended me with her words and I don’t think it’s ok. She needs people who fit her needs. That’s why I think it would be best to distance ourselves from each other. Do you think it’s the most appropriate thing to do given that she has certain expectations from me that I can’t fulfill, she gives me negative energy and constantly attacks me, and the arguments are frequent?

  1. Yes, let the friendship fade away. It’s perfectly fine and normal to grow apart. You both deserve friends you have more things in common with. It doesn’t make you or her “the bad guy” in this situation. It’s okay for both of you to move on from the friendship.

  2. Which one of you continues initiating chats and hangouts? That one is the problem. Going after people and insisting that they change for you is a toxic trait. Even if it’s done out of a sense of obligation or family ties.

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