I (f30) have been seeing a guy (m 35) for a few weeks. We’ve been out 6 times, and have had sex two of those times. He seemed SUPER into me the first couple dates, but has relaxed a little bit.

I know he’s not seeing other people, but we haven’t discussed our relationship.

I saw him two days ago. I jokingly said he should come over yesterday, which he laughed at. Today I asked him when I get to see him again, and he’s left me on read for 4 hours, which he has never done. I thought I had been matching his energy, and just being assertive and being clear I wanted to see him again and soon.

He’s an introvert, and I am super extroverted.

Have I been too much by wanting to see him more than just once a week? Is it too soon to be sleeping together?

He was moving really fast the first two dates, and I feel like he’s really pulled back this week. I’m feeling really insecure suddenly.

  1. So when someone is giving us less energy, what we don’t want to do is give them more. Match his energy.

    We can’t say what’s going on or why he’s doing what he’s doing. But freaking out about it is only gonna make it worse.

  2. I don’t think it’s wrong for wanting to see him more than once a week. I think it’s a good thing that you are saying what you want. If he does not match your energy after you have made it clear of what you want, then it is time to reduce the attention that you are giving him.

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