Context M23 F22 (I’m the guy)

So far it’s nothing serious with this person. But early on I asked if they had a instagram. I mostly do this to feel better that I am actually taking with the person shown in the profile and that I actually find them attractive.

Which they said yes but don’t use it often. I gave them mine and said if they wanted we could talk there. After they said that they wait a bit before giving someone their instagram.

I said no worries and we have still been talking for a bit. So I’ve gotten to a point where I actually want to ask them out. But I’m nervous because I was once in a somewhat similar situation and it went horribly for a number of reasons. Also it’s my first time dating from home as an adult so it feels weird. Currently living back home because I recently graduated.

Any words of encouragement lol?

TLDR I am going to try and set up a date. But extremely nervous because it’s somewhat similar to another interaction that ended horribly. And first time going out on a date while living with parents as an adult.

  1. Just go out and have fun man. Be yourself, treat her like a human being, grab her a beer (or whatever she’s into), use what you’ve learn so far to push the discussions.

    Here’s a tip. In case of uncomfortable silence, ask her to play ‘shootout questions’. Short question with short answer like: what your favorite song ever? It’s a great way to get to know little details about someone, and restart the conversation.

    It’s gonna go great man.

  2. Don’t overthink it. Just be yourself and have fun. Nothing else can be expected. If it’s a bit, awesome! If it’s not, the date was still a success and did its job. No expectation. Just fun.

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