So I’ve been doing alot of thinking lately and one thing I can say is that there are issues with dating for both men and women. But for women the idea is that guys are not serious and that breaks my heart a little because I hope there are more people like me out there for women!

I’ve been someone who had never had a Girlfriend, Date or even first kiss yet at 25. Does this make me question myself? Absolutely not.

I know that I am an attractive guy, I work out 4 times per week and and in good physical shape, when I do go to they gym I always manage to see people checking me out which obviously is nice for confidence!

But not just physical, my overall health is good, really made an effort to have good soft skin, (like all guys I was a bit spotty in late teens) nice white healthy teeth, also smell good, with deodorant and aftershave.

Why do I do this? Well its obviously just a natural thing to do, but also you should want to look good for yourself because then you feel good, but also If I’m expecting a woman to be beautiful and make an effort then the least I can do is match it.

Going back to what I said about being single, some people may be thinking ‘Okay, he’s attractive and he looks after himself, so why has he never had a date’?

I guess that’s 3-fold.

1. I have a Single life that I have enjoyed, hobbies such as Golf, Training are things I enjoy but also watching Sport such as Football and NFL that take up time that previously I didnt want to sacrifice, therefore I didnt think it was fair to not commit myself 100% to a relationship.

2. I’ve never really had a chance, I’ve asked out 4 Women at Gyms, they all said I was Handsome and a sweet guy but 3 had Boyfriends and 1 did say Yes. We talked for a little but I straight away felt nothing from her, she barely asked me any questions or made an effort to get to know me, so I just moved on.

3. Early on in my late teens I was very immature for a 19 Y/O I had no concept of relationships, but then went to work with my dad, which involved a 3 hour commute and a stop overnight in a hotel, mixed In with working with people in their late 30’s meant i grew up really fast.

So what about now in the present? Well sure I still have a really enjoyable single life and I also work as a Trader, 6 months ago I finished my degree and I have a certificate above my office desk which makes me really proud, so naturally this is my day job but I also have a passion for fitness, so I’d like to also become a certified personal trainer soon.

What about the future? I want to be with a women who I really just click with, someone where you just know that things will work out, I have no interest in hookups or non commitment relationships, I want the idea of getting to know someone going on a few dates to feel comfortable with each other before ramping things up so see if there is a romantic connection.

My ideal night with a Girlfriend is to go to the gym, come home, take a shower, make some dinner and for the evening just sit and have some really interesting deep conversations whilst cuddling on the sofa, no sex, nothing that leads to it, just sounds like a perfect night to me, Im personally more excited for the non sexual things in a relationship because those are the things that really keep and build a strong connection which is what I want for life.

I’m not a partier, I do gont out a whole lot so I have limited ways to meet women, I havnt had a friend since school so maybe that’s something I need to work on to branch out my social circle, but I cannot wait to hopefully find someone special and take them on a special journey with me to see what life can throw our way and see how we navigate it together because to me in a relationship, individually we are strong people but together we are unstoppable.

I would love to hear any women’s thoughts on this and if they have any views positive or negative to discuss! Have a lovely day and thank you for taking the time to read my post!

  1. 10/10 someone will date you but looking for that kind of woman will be hard. mostly likely your ideal woman is in their own bubble and doesn’t go out to socialize very often like you so you gotta keep finding that person since they really exist in real life.

  2. I mean you sound like a normal guy. You have a degree and a job, you work out, have basic hygiene,… You will definitely find someone to date you, but nothing you mention really stands out to me to be honest. Someone having an education, not being a couch potato and using deodorant is the bare minimum for me.

  3. Your ideal night is what’s ideal for most women I know. So I just think you need to get to know someone better or branch ouT more and it’ll be fine.

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