I’m a 22M and this girl I’ve been talking to is 20.

We last saw each other in person last month but have been in regular communication almost every day. She’s told me how I’m such a confident, secure and enthusiastic guy who has a heart of gold.

She’s spoken to me very intimately and has been complimenting me about my character and was venting about her personal problems about how her parents don’t support her and it makes her cry. And she said that she’s happy that she could talk to me about it and that it makes her happy that I care about her.

I called her on the phone today but she was shopping with her best friend. We spoke about meeting up again. She said she would really like to but her work and school schedule keeps getting in the way.

I have a weird feeling whe might have a boyfriend from certain things I’ve seen. She’s never told me that she’s taken. I’ve mentioned the words “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” in passing conversations but she’s never once said anything

Should I call her on the phone and ask if she’s taken?

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