my bf (23) and i (20) have been dating since october of 2020. in january of 21 i moved to college, a 6hr drive away, and recently my boyfriend has been saying as his love language is physical touch, he does not want to be in the long distance relationship anymore. even though he still loves me a lot and sees a future with me. i cannot see myself with anyone but him and am will to do just about anything to make this work. the only issue is, i can’t move home, at least for another year. i can visit just not move. can people please give some suggestions that i can suggest to make this work? i just lost my father this past january, have no friends where i live now, and i cannot deal with losing the love of my life right now.

  1. Regardless of what happens, you need to work on being dependent on him. Im so sorry all these negative things happened, but relying on him for your happiness is not sustainable. I know it’s hard, but work towards making friends and such and building yourself up to be confident and know you are fine without a partner.

    As for this issue, not sure what to say. I personally feel the “love language” idea is just overused to make excuses. If he cares enough and he wants to be with YOU, he will make the effort to visit you or find a way to be okay with the lack of touch. It’s the whole idea of “if he wanted to, he would”. In this case, he is willing to give you up for someone else that is closer which to me, sounds like he is saying he doesn’t care enough about YOU to make that effort. I apologize if that is harsh but it might be the reality. I can see why touch is important and if that’s a need for him then fine, but just know that a man who truly loves YOU would make the sacrifice in my opinion.

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