So me and my fiancé joke around every once in a while about having a threesome. The other day we made a joke about it saying we should do it with this specific person even though we both knew we wouldn’t with that person. My fiancé replied too me with “I wouldn’t have a threesome with her it would have too be someone I’m kind of attracted too, someone who is bad asf”. She then proceeded too name off a pretty friend of hers, and honestly I feel like that was the green light. My issue here is I have no clue how too make the next move on that because I feel like we both want too experiment for the shits and giggles.

  1. Sounds like more like bawdy talk, not an open invite. I would follow her lead, not try to instigate something

  2. ask directly if she really want this. or when u will have a chance ask how exactly she want 3some or how you should invite someone etc

  3. And never do it with a friend the first time, in case you figure out the fantasy dosent work out in reality. Its so sad when friendships get messed up over stuff like that.

  4. Just tell her you cant stop thinking about it. But seriously you have some way deeper more serious discussions that need to he had about feelings, jealousy, boundaries, etc. in a committed relationship a threesome is a risk, so proceed cautiously

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